Thursday, September 27, 2018


they sealed their love, a nondescript building in a city
that was anything but…Oh Venezia, the tales you could
tell – of the Doges, the Medicis, the Borgias—to name
but a few. Home to explorer Marco Polo, weren’t they
surprised to find his place is now an apartment block
with just a plaque to designate it once his? They wanted
to tour all the bridges until they learned there were 409
of them! They hired a small water-taxi and toured the
canals instead, did an informal bridge count themselves
but gave up around 350 when they realized that some
were only accessible by walking. Dusk was colouring
everything a powdery gold by the time they were
dropped near the Rialto for dinner, still so in love.

*From E. Bachinsky’s poem Of a Time from the book Home of Sudden Silence.

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