(photo - S.E.Ingraham)
My 2019 New Year’s Letter
The following was inspired by a note I wrote to a group of poets I write
with on a regular basis - this is a version of that note.
As we all perambulate or saunter (however you see it happening)
into 2019 - as one of my online friends says, getting old is not for the faint of heart. Over the last few years, I've come to realize though, it is for the grateful, the ones
astonished and appreciative, just to be here.
Rather than bemoaning those who are no longer trodding life's paths with me, or even breathing the same air - I'm trying to form a different outlook - one where I value those who still form part of existence, whether it be in the here and now or in memory - and also, feel genuinely thankful every day when I wake on the right side of the sod.
With so much dissension swirling around - everywhere, it seems - I've made the point more than once that I know I'm lucky to have been dropped down where I am, and at this time in history. I need to keep reminding myself of this simple fact.
I also know how lucky I am to have found myself amidst a group of like-minded souls, many of them poets and/or writers, many, if not most, online. And, by like-minded, I don't mean we agree on everything or even necessarily think/feel the same about things - merely that we're open to discussion, to compassion, to try to be there for one another - it feels like a serendipitous blessing. The fact many of us write together as well - that's a bonus, in my view.
While I live in a small family - some might even say tiny - I am fortunate in that they are all within reach. Our youngest daughter Katy, the love of her life Jordan, and their daughter Georgia - who just turned one - share our house and the granny suite attached. The love of my life, Terry, will have been married to me 49 years in February. This is indeed an embarrassment of riches.
2019? Yes! Let's hear it for another new year. May it bring us all things that make us feel wondrous, times that make us feel wonderful, and a year crammed with wonder.
With love and awe,
SE (Sharon)
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